Saturday, December 09, 2006

long distance is a very big problem T_T

first time, i think long distance relationship is not a problem.
if understand each other and trust.
but it's not easy at all.
that's very hard to keep long distance relationship.

still miss you somehow.
even not close to you.
but you are here in my heart now and forever.
even if we aren't together.

from a moment to minute.
from a minutes to hours.
from hours to the day.
from the days to week.
from weeks to the month.
from the months to year.
from years to forever in my heart.

i will never forget you from my memory.
it'll not happen.
not even close not even a little bit not even at all.
WANG ZHIHUA, my fencer.....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

happy happy yesterday....

yeah yeah yeah....
finally, i knew he doesn't forget me.
something wrong with my phone connection.
i knew he used to try many time for reply my msg.
but i still didn't recive it any.
and finally again, i got his msg.
but it's in my father's phone.
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i really happy when i read his msg.
at least it's mean you're care me event if it's only little bit.
and you're try to contact me when i really up-set.
actually, i think i will not send you a msg anymore.
and last saturday it was last msg from me.
but when i read your msg from my dad's phone.
i give my heart away lah. - Glitter Graphics, Glitter Love, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes, Glitter Words

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when will i see you again?
i miss you now and always.....
i don't know is that wrong or right but i did it.

Glitter Graphics, MySpace Layouts, MySpace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from